how is the jack-o-lantern? :b
i draw it with iPad app -glow it dark- by myself. is it nice?
be careful okay? watch out.
there're maybe something or someone under your bed.
behind your closet, or beside you!
OMO. :b
how was your halloween?
me? me?
noddaa, nothing, nono.
yesterday saturday, a university threw a halloween party. i didn't attend it ofcourse.
i'm not an it girl. :) i'm an ordinary girl. for what i went there? i'll be a stupid girl there.
yeah here, Medan, nothing really special about halloween.
not like at others. children played dress up. went into someone house and scream cutely, 'trick or treat?!'
hihihi.but it is still a halloween that everybody should celebrate it with their on way. :D
oh yeah.
i've bought something on online shop.
a sticker n rub ons. and a flower crown :))
the sticker and rub ons are super cute super pretty. and it feels really really pity to use them.
and my flower crown. gosh, i love it! the blue fake roses are super pretty.
the sticker and rub ons thanks too angelbeescrap (you can found it on ig)
the flower crown thanks too oribellecrownshop (can found it on ig) ;)
here are some pics that i've posted on ig:
totally love this. :b
aren't these cute?!
peiqi with her owl.
beautiful flower crown huh :))
more, kindly follow my IG : veronicazheng
it's getting really late.
while blogging this i was watching SM's new vid on youtube.
have you guys watched yoonique unit_maxtstep? <3<3
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