Saturday, December 3, 2011

how am i?

3rd of december. and it is saturday...

i've got school in the morning.
damn i'm so tired...
my whole body feels with pain...
i could just die. haha.

for the next 3 days i'm gonna be alone at my room.
because i shared room with my sister.
but for the next 3days she's out not at Medan

i've got a new doll!!!
a sheep doll. i got it from my aunt.
actually it is peiqi's doll. it's a present when it's her birthday.
but it is so cute so i ask for one...
it's so cute, soft, sweet, and furry ._.
here it is
let's call her dudu! =3

aww,,, love how cute it is <3
lovin' it. haha =D

you know i'm a kpoper. i've got a fanbase that i work with my friends.
go follow @elfshawol_sone
we already got a blog for our fanbase. and there have my fanfiction. go read it!

hey, remember my blog 'you better die.die.die'
cih, she is so a loser.
thank god my friend's boyfriend scold her and her friends. so no problem.
even though sometimes they talk my friend in the back. but who cares.
as long as i don't hear they talk bad about my friend in front of me.

well.. one week to go to my semester exam.
aaaa, i'm so nervous...
how is my bio? my math? my physic? my eko?

thx for always visiting (:

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