Sunday, November 13, 2011

boring sunday

hey, it's sunday
a BORING sunday
my niece not with me at my home, she has gone to her mother's place.
why? because at here, with me. nobody taking care of her, i'm too lazy to take care her.
there is nothing special today. should i say every sunday.

say, what's good on boring sunday?

play your bb, chat with your friends, BFF, or... your gf/bf!
watching television, drama movies, horror movies, sad movies :')
play your computer, games.
play internet, see news about kpop if you are a kpoper. facebook,twitter,BLOG.
porn?! >.< aah, not me. youtube, watch about your fav artist.

keep doing that, then you get bored. mine is like that. that's why i call it boring sunday-day. haha! #crazy

well, thats all.
maybe next post i wanna show you my dearest things.

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