Thursday, November 24, 2011

can't wait for SATURDAY

guess what.
now i'm posting using my school's computer.
can't post blog at my home.. T_T because my computer's monitor has taken by my sister.
because her office's monitor is broken. arghh.. hate it. =.=

S to the A to the T to the U to the R to the D to the A to the Y
my friends want to visit my home. so happy, can't wait.
even though they haven't 100% sure gonna come to my house.
but i really really hope they can! >.<

already have a schedule.
watch smurf.
2 of my friends those are comic holic just like me, gonna make my sister's room a MESS! =.= you know why?
my sister's room full of comics comics comics... they gonna borrow one by one.. 
and then bla...bla...bla.. haha...

come to mama =D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



in the past 2 days, for me it was a fabouu day. fabolous, magnific, awesome, gorgeous, and blablabla...
the past 2 days was on 20.11.2011 woooow
when in 11.11.2011 there was nothing special.
but when in that date, for me it is special. fabouuu... ^^

hanging out with my friend is the best. i went to the gramedia, bought lots of novels. until i broke.
then gone to disc tarra to buy cds. i bought Selena Gomez:when the sun goes down and Demi Lovato:unbroken.
damn, all they're songs are so good... i can't get bored listening to them. thumbs up ^^

then, we went to take pictures. i lovin' them so much. even my other friends said it. hhe.
let me upload some photos when we took ;)


let me introduce you to my friend that i hang out with last 2 days ago.
her name is kelly tanizar. a kpopers just like me, a little silly but love her so much
see that hand making a peace? yeah, that's my hand.

me and kelly's :

 i'm lovin' it
 i'm so damn love this pic :D
oh my, oh my! kelly wanted to kiss me. haha! XD

i'm so in love with 20.11.2011
i wish time could go back Xp

Monday, November 14, 2011

my dearest things

hi! i promise i will show you my dearest things.
let me show you.

these things, some i bought them myself, but some were from my bffs :B
i treasure them, i adore them, i loved them.
i already edit it, but it's pure mine.

first off all, my bb. past, i used bb gemini. but i changed it. because the keypad wasn't working so good already.
so i asked change into bb onyx2! yeey.

aha! after you see this you must know. i'm a kpoper. i'm an elf, shawol, and sone. i bought shinee's cd 2nd album repackage. well, i don't take that pic because i left it at my car =.= i'm so lazy to pick it. hhe.
i'm so happy i got donghae's and tiffany's pc, they're so cute right. what the weird is, they're both are my second bias :p
well, i kinda dissapointed when i got heechul's pc. i'm not really a fan of him. but, his autograph is so damn cute!

this is my white 7s polaroid. i seldom use it anymore.but i take good care of it. i spend my money to buy this, because i really really want it when i first saw it.
my album full of the photos i took with my polaroid! they're so much more inside of it, but i can't take picture all of it. this page, there are my nieces. and 1of the photos i carry her, so cute right... >.<

this is my teddy bear from teddy house. this is a gift from my bffs, how nice are they. :3 
thnkyou sss. fyi, i give her a name. she called Selena.

last but not least. accessories ;)
which girls don't like accessories? haha.

i have already shared my dearest things. on the next post, i still thinking what will i post.
let me introduce you my bffs? hahaha.
we'll see about that later!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

get well soon peiqi :')

my cute,pretty,sweet,naughty niece is sick.
she has flu, cough, high fever :'(
she's cough until she has no voice. pity. i can't hear her sweet voice rightnow.
miss her voice. miss your voice peiqi.

arghhh,,, why can she be like this?
a cute angel become like that, heart broken </3
well, it's her fault too getting into like this. she had always eaten something those are not healthy.
but everytime tried to get away bad foods for her, she started to cry.
when she started to cry, it's really really hard to calm her down! fuaah, how naughty is she.

well, fate is fate.
all i can say getwellsoon, or get well now.
loveyou peiqi.

still =.=
even though she is sick, she is still naughty. graaahhh....

may Buddha bless you, 
saddhu saddhu saddhu,
getwellson <3

boring sunday

hey, it's sunday
a BORING sunday
my niece not with me at my home, she has gone to her mother's place.
why? because at here, with me. nobody taking care of her, i'm too lazy to take care her.
there is nothing special today. should i say every sunday.

say, what's good on boring sunday?

play your bb, chat with your friends, BFF, or... your gf/bf!
watching television, drama movies, horror movies, sad movies :')
play your computer, games.
play internet, see news about kpop if you are a kpoper. facebook,twitter,BLOG.
porn?! >.< aah, not me. youtube, watch about your fav artist.

keep doing that, then you get bored. mine is like that. that's why i call it boring sunday-day. haha! #crazy

well, thats all.
maybe next post i wanna show you my dearest things.