Sunday, January 13, 2013

laugh out loud.

hai guys.
it's finally 2013 already. *yippie*
sorry for haven't been actived in the blog :(
school has just started and homeworks and exams are attacking like nuts. starts tomorrow week, i have already so many exams *sigh*

so today i went to my friend's house for group's assignment. this assignment about musical, ask we to find a suitable song for a poem that has given. yes, we have found it, and we already practice to sing it. and so, we were asked to make a music video. and that where is the main problem.
in 1 hour we have gotten almost 10 times NG. main were because laughing, wrong note, and wrong lyric. kikiki. it's just soooo funny XD
i'll show you guys after i got the video. kikiki. i really love it.

 i'm totally in love with this :3 vanilla red bean. arrrghhhhh~ nyam nyam nyam~
